March 2004


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UVM Students <[log in to unmask]>
"Joseph G. Thibault" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Mar 2004 18:47:13 -0500
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Hello UVM,
        I hope everyone is taking advantage of the awesome spring weather.  April 24th,
2004 is the 3rd annual Spring Fest.  This year we are proud to bring Cake
(http://www.cakemusic.com/).  Opening for Cake will be the winner of UVM’s own
Battle of the Bands scheduled for April 18th in the Ira Allen Chapel and west
coast, jam band Particle (http://www.particlepeople.com/).  Unless it rains the
show will once again be on the Bailey-Howe green and will start at 1PM, there
will be food vendors, clubs and organizations and much more to enjoy.
        Tickets are on sale starting Wednesday, March 31st at the Candy Counter in
Billings from 11AM-3PM weekdays.  Tickets are also available at Pure Pop
Records and the Flynn Ticket Office.  Tickets are $10 for the UVM community and
25$ for non-UVMers.  Prior to the show tickets are limited so buy your ticket
as soon as possible.  If you are interesting in volunteering to help produce
the show you can sign up to help set up, work the day shifts or take down by
contacting me personally for more information ([log in to unmask]).  We
hope that this is the best Spring Fest ever!

SGA Senate Elections:
It’s that time of year again.  Petition packets for SGA Elections are now
available in the SGA Office, B-156 Billings Student Center; you only need 80
signatures to be on the ballot.  Petitions are due back to the SGA by noon,
Friday, April 2nd.   Elections are next Wednesday and Thursday (7th and 8th) in
Bailey-Howe; another poll may be available the days of the election.  If you
have any interest in making change, advocating for students or having a voice
in the direction of the University, consider the SGA.  For more information
call the SGA Offices, 656-2053 or stop by.

***Special Round Room Pub Events***
Next Monday and Friday, April 5th and 9th the Round Room will have two special
events.  Monday the NCAA Championship will be shown.  There will be t-shirt
giveaways, a chance to win a UVM jersey and much more.  Friday is “Family
Night”, episodes of your favorite cartoons (Simpsons, Family Guy and Futurama)
will be shown, come for a chance to win DVDs of the cartoons!
A special menu will be offered for both nights:  wings, pizza, chicken tenders,
onion rings, assorted bottled beers and non-alcoholic beverages will also be
available.  Come and take advantage of this great event!

3rd Annual Talent Show:
The ALANA Student Center will be hosting their third annual talent show on
Saturday, April 3, 2004. It will begin at 6:00pm and it will be held in the
North Lounge at Billings Student Center. There will be free food and lots of
entertainment.  Everyone is welcome to attend!  If anyone wishes to volunteer
or perform please contact Shana Bryce for further information at
[log in to unmask]

Bowling Night:
The Campus Activities Team is once again sponsoring Bowling Night at Yankee
Lanes next Thursday night, April 8th.  Buses will be provided to and from the
alley starting at 9:30 from the Billings Student Center.  Total cost for the
event including shoes, transportation and bowling is only $3!

Class Registration:
Registration is coming up soon; don’t forget when you are eligible to sign up.

Seniors (87.0 credits):  Friday, April 9th at 6 AM
Juniors (57.0 - 86.9 credits):  Monday, April 12th at 6 AM
Sophomores (27.0 - 56.9 credits):  Tuesday, April 13th at 6 AM
First Years (0 - 26.9 credits):  Wednesday, April 14th at 6 AM
For more information visit http://www.uvm.edu/registrar.

Environmental Careers in the Green Valley:
An excellent opportunity to hear Vermont Environmental Consortium companies talk
about their missions, products and futures.  Utilize this night to do some
networking if you are interested in working within Vermont.  The networking
night will be on Thursday, April 22nd from 3-5PM in the North Lounge, Billings.

Do you Smoke? Wanna make 80 bucks!?:
There is a research study being conducted by the Department of Psychology at the
University of Vermont; they are studying the effects of an anxiety prevention
program with people who smoke at least 10 cigarettes per day.  Participants
will receive $80 for attending one 3 hour class and returning 6 months later
for about 90 minutes to two hours.  If you are interested and smoke at least 10
cigarettes per day go to this website:
http://www.uvm.edu/~psycahrl/prevention.html and complete the forms you find
there.  Any questions or concerns should be directed to Matthew Feldner at
[log in to unmask] or call 656-3831.

Still need a place to live?  Don’t despair!  Visit
for information and opportunities to rent in Burlington.

Visit http://uvm.edu/sga to vote in our new poll about a wind turbine on

For a complete listing of events on campus be sure to visit
Here are some more links with a ton of great opportunities:

Check out UVM’s own English Majors Union, an intellectual student group focused
on reading; take advantage of the opportunity to get free books and more.

Check out the only comprehensive list of SGA Recognized Clubs on campus; be sure
to see the list of events that our clubs are sponsoring this semester.

I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine, take advantage of Vermont’s early
spring weather.  Good luck on mid-terms and seniors: let the count down begin!
Joseph Thibault
SGA President (for only 3 more weeks)