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April 2004


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Bryan Dague <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Jump on Board for Success <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 18 Apr 2004 14:22:46 -0400
text/plain (168 lines)
REMINDER:  Wednesday April 21 is the early registration deadline.
Please get your registration in for this great conference!

Please distribute this to supported employment advocates, employers and
community members.

Seventh Annual
Vermont APSE-Supported Employment Conference

Check our on-line flyer:

May 5, 2004
Killington Grand Hotel & Conference Center
Killington, Vermont

SOWING THE SEEDS OF CREATIVITY: Using Multiple Intelligence Theory for
On-the-Job Success

Presenter: Mindy Oppenheim

Mindy Oppenheim planted the SEED http://WWW.STAFFDEVELOPMENT.NET/
(Supported Employment Education Designs) in the spring of 1994 to provide
great (and fun!) training for rehabilitation, supported employment,
welfare-to-work, school-to-work transition and special education staff.

If you are a new or experienced employment specialist, teacher, trainer or
instructor, this experiential workshop will challenge the way you think
about intelligence, learning, communication and training. Participants will
apply state-of-the-art learning and teaching strategies (from the fields of
brain-based learning, Neuro-linguistics, multiple intelligence,
communication and super-learning) to assessment, motivation, behavioral
training, teaching strategies and fading. Participants develop teaching
strategies for individual learning styles.


8:30-9:00       Registration and Refreshments

9:00-9:30       Welcome

9:30-11:30      Keynote Presentation: Mindy Oppenheim:
                Sowing the Seeds of Creativity

11:30-12:00     Performance: Awareness Theater Company

12:00 - 1:00    Lunch and Recognition Ceremony

1:00 - 2:30     Presentation continued: Sowing the Seeds of Creativity

2:45 - 3:15     Closing

-Poster Sessions: Agencies/Companies will display & disseminate information
and materials.

-Performance by the Awareness Theater Company!

-Various Creative Vendors displaying and selling artwork/merchandise, bring
extra $$$

Killington Grand Hotel
228 East Mountain Road
Killington, VT 05751
Reservations: 1-800-343-0762

Reservations for overnight accommodations for Tuesday May 4, 2004 are due
by April 5, 2004.  Mention Vermont APSE.

Grand Hotel Room, 2 Queen Beds: $95.00

The Association for Persons in Supported Employment (APSE) is a national
and state membership organization formed to improve and expand integrated
employment opportunities, services, and outcomes for persons with severe
disabilities.  APSE is an organization for Supported Employees, Employers,
Family Members, Providers and Advocates.

National APSE:
Vermont APSE:

Registration Form (Please print and mail in)

Vermont APSE Conference
May 5, 2004
Killington Grand Hotel & Conference Center
Killington, Vermont

Name(s): _____________________________________________________


Organization: _________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________ Phone: ________________

City: ________________________ State:_____ Zipcode: _______________

Special Accommodations: ____ Vegetarian Meal ____ Other (please specify):


______Scholarship Requested (available to persons with disabilities on request)

______Yes, we would like a display table for our non-profit agency.
Regular registration is required plus $35 fee to cover cost.  (Space may be

Agency/Program Name: __________________________________________

Note: Space is limited so please register early.  There is no guarantee of
space for late registrations.

Registration Fees (includes lunch):

$40.00 Before April 21
$50.00 After April 21

$10.00 Before April 21
$15.00 After April 21

Group (6 people)
$200.00 Before April 21
$250.00 After April 21

NOTE: APSE Members deduct $5.00 from fee.

APSE Membership # ____________ (required).

Join APSE now at:  and attend at the reduced rates!!

CRC Credits Available

Please send your registration with check made payable to Vermont APSE.
If special accommodations are needed please respond by April 21, 2004.

Payment must accompany registration unless prior arrangements are made with
Karen Hussey at 652-2161.

Send Check and Registration to:
Karen Hussey
c/o Project Hire
102 South Winooski Ave.
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: 802-652-2161
Fax: 802-860-2360
Email: [log in to unmask]

Vermont Association for Persons in Supported Employment is an independent,
non-profit, membership organization dedicated to the advancement of
supported employment for persons with severe disabilities.  Funds raised
are used to maintain the organization and increase professional development
opportunities for people with disabilities and staff of supported
employment agencies.