Christina, as far as I know, you are correct in thinking that you are going to
be the one centralizing money! You seem to be on task and we need a dedicated
and organized person to be the money organizer. You seem like the right woman
for the job!
> I am cetralizing money I thought or did I misunderstand the meeting on
> Monday.
> Quoting Charlotte Miller <[log in to unmask]>:
> > We need to get money as soon as possible from people for the bus. We
> cannot
> > wait until April 23rd. We should get someone for people to write checks
> to
> > as
> > soon as possible. Money means seriousness from people and collexting
> money
> > last minute will be a NIGHTMARE. Can anyone centralize the money? What
> > about
> > the people in the FMLA? We need to do this as soon as possible so we
> don't
> > lose energy. Get your thinking caps on everyone.
> >
> > Charlotte
> >
> --