April 2004


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Choice Coalition <[log in to unmask]>
"Kristofer J. Jenson" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Apr 2004 09:54:01 -0400
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Choice Coalition <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (102 lines)
Yes, it is the Reproductive Rights Coalition, and it is precisely that: a
coalition.  All of the groups and individuals involved should definitely bring
what they have to the table so long as the coalition itself isn't being
hijacked, but so long as the ISO remains an active and democratic member, I
feel it should be allowed to publicize its events with its allies.  Members
from Planned Parenthood, FMLA, and our potential connections with BSU and
Alianza should also be encouraged to make their voices heard and publicize
their events, again so long as they remain active and democratic members and do
not attempt to steal the spotlight in the process.

Plus, there is the issue of the irony of Bush saying he's "pro-life" while he
administered 100-someodd state-sanctioned deaths as governor.  Just more ammo
for us.

Perhaps we could discuss this at the meeting tonight.  Which, by the way, is
going to be at 7:30 in Lafayette 216, right next to the Fireplace Lounge.


Quoting Blake Edward Rainville <[log in to unmask]>:

> I just wanted to point out something here, this is the choice coalition, not
> the
> ISO coalition, please be mindful and respectful of that.  Leave other
> political
> propaganda for other list servs.
> Blake Rainville
> Quoting Mary Coleman Howland <[log in to unmask]>:
> > Hi All,
> > Here is a meeting coming up one Wednesday, which will be awesome.
> > Here is Bush, willing to murder lots of innocent adults on completely
> racist
> > or
> > social-economicalist terms, yet he screams that abortions are murder and
> he
> > is
> > trying to give adult rights to a fetus! Where are these rights for the 40%
> > of
> > African-American males who make up death row?!This is just a perfect
> example
> > of
> > Bush's conservative attacks on innocent, working class Americans.
> > Hope to see lots of you there!
> > Mary
> >
> >
> >
> > The Struggle Against the Death Penalty
> >
> > Wednesday, April 7th at 7:30pm
> > UVM Lafayette 108
> >
> > Over 580 people have lost their lives since the death penalty was brought
> > back
> > into practice by the US government. Although nearly 20% of these people
> have
> > been proven innocent post-mortum, this obscene practice continues! It is
> an
> > attack on workers, as 90% of defendents can't afford decent legal defense;
> > it
> > is a racial attack with African Americans being disproportionately
> > represented
> > on death row. How can we end the death penalty? Massive grassroots action
> > saved
> > the life of Kevin Cooper and won a moratorium on all executions in
> Illinois.
> > Come learn about the power of protest, and help abolish the death penalty!
> >
> > Featuring:
> > Marlene Martin, National Director of Campaign to End the Death Penalty
> > and a live call-in with a member of the former Illinois Death Row Ten
> >
> > Sponsored by the International Socialist Organization, UVM Department of
> > English, and Students Against War
> >
> > Contact [log in to unmask] or 864-9648 for more info
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> --
> Blake Rainville
> 206 Austin Hall
> Burlington VT 05405
> 617-834-6045
> Be the change that you want to see in the world.

"We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with
the fierce urgency of NOW. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history,
there "is" such a thing as being too late. This is no time for apathy or

-Martin Luther King, Jr.