April 2004


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"Joseph G. Thibault" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Apr 2004 21:23:32 -0400
text/plain (117 lines)
Hello UVM,
        I hope you aren’t too discouraged at the late Vermont snow falls; warm spring
weather is just around the corner!  Wednesday and Thursday this week are the
SGA Senator Elections in the Bailey-Howe Library.  The polls will be open from
9AM-4PM both days; be sure to stop by and support your friends by casting a
        Just a quick reminder that we are still looking for volunteers to work the day
of the Spring Fest concert featuring Cake and Particle.  If you are interested
in working at least a four hour shift please email [log in to unmask] and
I will contact you to sign up for a specific shift.

***Special Event #2 in the Round Room***
Monday over 100 students stopped by the Round Room to watch the NCAA
Championship.  Lots of prizes were raffled away and a great time was had by
all.  Another event with the same menu will be held this Friday starting at
8PM.  “Family Night” will be a night of Simpsons, Family Guy and Futurama
cartoons; tons of DVDs of each show will be raffled off to those present.  If
you are still around on Friday night consider stopping by and relaxing with
your fellow UVMers.  The special menu for Friday once again includes: wings,
pizza, chicken tenders, onion rings, assorted bottled beers and non-alcoholic
beverages.  Come and take advantage of this great event!

Bowling Night:
The Campus Activities Team is once again sponsoring Bowling Night at Yankee
Lanes next Thursday night, April 8th.  Buses will be provided to and from the
alley starting at 9:30 from the Billings Student Center.  Total cost for the
event including shoes, transportation and bowling is only $3!

Class Registration:
Registration is coming up soon; don’t forget when you are eligible to sign up.
Seniors (87.0 credits):  Friday, April 9th at 6 AM;
Juniors (57.0 - 86.9 credits):  Monday, April 12th at 6 AM;
Sophomores (27.0 - 56.9 credits):  Tuesday, April 13th at 6 AM;
First Years (0 - 26.9 credits):  Wednesday, April 14th at 6 AM;
For more information visit http://www.uvm.edu/registrar.

Environmental Careers in the Green Valley:
An excellent opportunity to hear Vermont Environmental Consortium companies talk
about their missions, products and futures.  Utilize this night to do some
networking if you are interested in working within Vermont.  The networking
night will be on Thursday, April 22nd from 3-5PM in the North Lounge, Billings.
 For more information contact Joseph Thibault at [log in to unmask] or Jan
Spencer at [log in to unmask]

Interested in Making a Difference in Burlington?  Do you want to Improve
Relations with your Neighbors?
In the next few weeks your local off-campus governing bodies: Neighborhood
Action Project and Neighborhood Planning Assemblies (with help from the Student
Government Association) will be promoting a “Burlington Green Up.”  This will
take place over several weeks with an all out “Green Up” on May 1st.  Take a
little bit of time to give a little back to Burlington.  For more information
please visit http://www.cedoburlington.org/neighborhoods/c_canmain.htm.

Orchesis Dance Company
Next Friday and Saturday, April 16th and 17th at 7PM the Orchesis Dance Company
will have it annual Spring Performance.  General admission is $5, children are
$2 (catscratch is accepted).  The performance will take place in the UVM Dance
Studio located in the Patrick Gymnasium.

UVM Super Heroes:
Listen to how UVM students and faculty face THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE: successfully
dealing with mental illness at UVM!  The Panel will share with you their
personal battles with depression, eating disorders, anxiety, PTSD and how these
relate to learning disabilities or substance abuse; as well as what it is like
to have a family member  with mental illness.  There will be a time for
questions and discussion.  The event will be on Tuesday, April 20th at 4PM in
Rowell 103; presented by UVM chapter of NAMI Vermont (National Alliance for
Mental Illness).  Want more information about our group? [log in to unmask]

Undergraduate Research Fair
Friday, April 23rd from 1:00 - 4:30PM in the Living/Learning Center:
The Undergraduate Research Fair is sponsored by the Living/Learning Center
Director's Office. This is our first attempt to give undergraduate students an
opportunity to share their scholarly activities with others. This is not a
competition, but a celebration of the work of undergraduate researchers. All
undergraduate students who are currently undertaking research are invited to
participate. Students have the option of presenting their research in the form
of a poster, a display table or in a 15-minute oral presentation. Presentations
at any stage of completion are welcome. Please prepare your presentation with a
general audience in mind, describing the concepts and motivation for the
project, with perhaps less emphasis on its technical features. This is a
volunteer effort, so if you can volunteer some time to help, contact
[log in to unmask] or call 656-4200.   Registration Deadline: April 12.  For
more information or to register, please visit the following Web site:

Women’s March for Freedom:
Join many UVMers on a trip to march in Washington D.C.  The Bus will leave April
24th and will return on the morning of the 25th, if you are interested please
contact Shannon Duke at [log in to unmask] or call 542-2807.

Visit http://uvm.edu/sga to vote in our new poll about your favorite varsity

For a complete listing of events on campus be sure to visit

Here are some more links with a ton of great opportunities:
Check out UVM’s own English Majors Union, an intellectual student group focused
on reading; take advantage of the opportunity to get free books and more.

Check out the only comprehensive list of SGA Recognized Clubs on campus; be sure
to see the list of events that our clubs are sponsoring this semester.

Excuse the length of the email.  Thanks to all of you that made it this far;
it’s a great thing to know how much is going on campus and how much of the
events are student sponsored.  As usual if you have an event for the All Campus
email within the next week forward a brief description with the time, place and
date to me and I will try to incorporate it.  Have a great day and hope for no
more snow!

Joseph Thibault
SGA (“lame duck”) President