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December 2004


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Nicole Marie Chabot <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Campus Activities Team <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Dec 2004 12:14:37 -0500
text/plain (39 lines)
Hello CATs

I apologize for the late notice on details but when I tried to send this email
yesterday something weird happened and it didn't send. SO - here is the info
about coming to my house tonight for dinner!

We are ordering food from Boves Italian Restaurant (veggie and meat lasagna)
with salad and bread. Melisa is going to get drinks and I will do some dessert.
If you think of anything else you want to bring than feel free although dont
feel the need to!

Everyone should get there around 6:30 if you can. If you have to come later
thats fine too but this way its around dinner time. Please try to carpool as
much as possible because I have limited parking on my street and I dont want
anyone getting a ticket. Marc and Summer both said that they can come pick
people up if need be so feel free to give them a call!

Here are the directions to my house (as if coming up Main Street from downtown).

Turn right onto S. Willard Street
At the next stop sign take a left onto Maple Street and head up the hill
About half a block up on your left will be Harrington Terrace. There isn't a
very visible sign but it is right across from the new Champlain College student
Center and the road is right after the red fire hydrant on the left side of the
street. If you get to the next stop sign at Summit St. you have gone too far.
Once you turn onto Harr. Terr. you can park anywhere on the street there is a
space. If there aren't spaces you can also park on Maple Street. My building is
a red brick building with blue trim on the left side of the street. There is a
sidewalk that runs down the left hand side of the building. Walk down here and
then walk up the stairs by where it says #63. Once inside walk up the stairs
and my apt is number 7 on the left side at the top.

My cell phone number is 2075771913. Please call if you have any problems!!!

See you all tonight - hope you're excited!!!
