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Date: | Mon, 27 Jun 2005 05:53:15 -0400 |
Content-Type: | text/plain |
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The Whooping Crane has been in the same area now since last Friday
foraging from one area of standing water to another. I've been able to
check on it several times a day. I don't know what it does at night,
but this morning at 4:45 am it was there still continuously foraging.
There has been an immature bald eagle in a nearby tree (it was flying
around in the vicinity this morning) since at least Saturday. The
standing water in the fields is receding rapidly, though in the
extensive areas of tall marsh grasses there is still much water which is
apparent from the air.
Dottie Lavallee wrote:
>Just for the record since no one else posted a sighting today.. The Whooping Crane was still there along the Lemon Fair today.. It was perhaps a half mile from the road and with the heat distortion today, the colored leg bands were not especially visible. However, the bands do show up in a poor quality video taken from that distance. Observed it for perhaps a half hour about noon time today. It was very actively feeding in shallow water and low grass. Never attempted to get any closer to the bird.
>Dottie Lavallee
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