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June 2005


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Linda Hall <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Jun 2005 21:29:54 -0400
text/plain (47 lines)
Channel 3 television news had pictures and a bit of a story this evening...

Gregory R. Askew wrote:

>I believe that the poster was making a joke as the bird was wandering to points
>at the same exact latitude as the summering grounds, so I take it that Wyoming
>must be in line with Wisconsin, Southern Ontario, and Vermont. Perhaps?
>As for capture, I think they might want to see if she'll make her way back on
>her own. Definitely fascinating. I'm surprised the Free Press hasn't run a
>special interest piece on the bird as well as the project. Perhaps Ian et al
>wanted to keep it quiet so the bird isn't harassed or worse.
>Quoting C and R STEWART <[log in to unmask]>:
>>Thanks for posting web page for WOCR history.  Fascinating reading.
>>  I found it curious that the team (as of june 15)  had written "rather
>>than attempt to capture her where she is, the Tracking Team plans to set up
>>a pen in Wyoming."    I don't understand this comment.  I assume someone
>>out there (Ian, Ron?)  is in daily contact with the Team.  Could you
>>forward this for an explanation?   What is the reason not to capture and
>>why WY and not WI, which is where the other birds are?
>>Charlie & Ruth Stewart
>>E. Dorset, Vermont