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August 2005


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Wed, 17 Aug 2005 14:54:52 -0400
Jump on Board for Success <[log in to unmask]>
Bryan Dague <[log in to unmask]>
Jump on Board for Success <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (100 lines)
TASH is pleased to announce an exciting new series of Telephone Conferences
on issues related to:

Progressive Approaches to Positive Behavior Supports and Eliminating the Use

of Aversives, Seclusion and the Inappropriate use of Restraint

-	Co-Sponsored by The Arc of the United States

Check out the list of topics and speakers below!  To view complete session
descriptions, speakers and registration information for this series please
go to <>

This series includes a range of topics on positive behavior support to
increase knowledge of understanding the function of problem behaviors,
collaboration with families and teams, and designing person-centered support
plans for school-aged youth and adults. Topics also include information on
the eliminating the use of aversive techniques, seclusion, and inappropriate
use of restraint.

School-Age Supports, Part 1: Understanding Problem Behaviors in School
Presenters: Rob O'Neill and Leanne Hawken

Supports for Adults, Part 1: Functional Behavioral Assessment in Community
Presenters: Rick Amado and Rick Albin

School Age Supports, Part 2: Designing Effective Support Plans for Students
with Problem Behavior
Presenter: Tim Knoster

Supports for Adults, Part 2: So, We Know the Function . How Do We Design a
Quality Positive Behavior Support Plan?
Presenters: Freya Koger and Scott Shepard

Supporting One Another in the Behavior Change Process
Presenters: Sharon Lohrmann and Linda Bambara

What families need to know about behavior problems and Positive Behavior
Support - Demanding Quality Supports for our Sons and Daughters
Presenters: Sue Swenson and Nancy Weiss

Eliminating the Use of Aversives, Seclusion and the Inappropriate Use of
Restraint:  Best Practices and Shifting Cultures
Presenter: Charles Curie

Advocating to eliminate the use of aversives, seclusion, and the
inappropriate use of restraint: What advocates are doing and can do to
effect positive change
  Presenters:  Pat Amos, Jane Hudson, Pat Hunt, and Jamie Ruppmann

School Wide Approaches to Behavior Supports
Presenter:  Rob Horner

To view complete session descriptions, speakers and registration information

for this series please go to <> .

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Bryan Dague
University of Vermont
Center on Disability & Community Inclusion
Mann Hall, 3rd Floor
208 Colchester Ave.
Burlington, VT 05405-1757

Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: (802) 656-1345
Fax: (802) 656-1357
TTY: (802) 656-8499