September 2005


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Allen G Matthews <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont New Farmer Network <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 3 Sep 2005 09:44:52 -0400
text/plain (117 lines)
Sorry, please disregard that last e-mail from me, I thought I was just
responding to Beth, I'll tryt o be more careful. Allen

Quoting Allen G Matthews <[log in to unmask]>:

> Beth, about your call/ imnquiry earlier this week concerning repeat 
> requests for
> scholarships...... I'd say we best add a statement concerning whetehr or not
> they've received a scholarship, as I can see the same people wanting 
> to attend
> numerous conferences. Not that they's be excluded if they'd received a
> scholarship within the year, but maybe they's have to be on a waiting list to
> give others a first chance.  Is that too complex? Maybe we should not worry
> about it at all this year, and concentrate keeping it a simple as 
> possible this
> first time through...... I can see this becoming a new way we do "business"
> around conferences and work shops, Allen
> Quoting Beth Holtzman <[log in to unmask]>:
>> Lindsey,
>> We'd love to have IF staff at the conference, and would love to 
>> figure out a discount for them. That, along with the description of 
>> what we're doing on the tour are on my very long (and growing) to do 
>> list. Look for it next week. Then let's talk.
>> Beth
>> At 09:18 AM 9/2/2005, you wrote:
>>> Beth
>>> Thanks for forwarding the info. I know that a number of folks here 
>>> would like to attend the conference.  I would like to follow up on 
>>> the Intervale’s Pre-tour program. You had mentioned that for IF 
>>> staff who would be helping with the Pre-tour that they might be 
>>> able to get a discount??? Is that still a possibility?? You had 
>>> also mentioned you were going to draft a more detailed outline of 
>>> the Intervale pre-conference experience. Could you forward me a 
>>> copy of that?
>>> Thanks
>>> Lindsey
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Vermont New Farmer Network [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
>>> On Behalf Of Beth Holtzman
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 2:12 PM
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: Scholarships to the Women in Sustainable Agriculture Conference
>>> ****Apologies in advance for cross postings.****
>>> The UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture is offering scholarships 
>>> for farmers and other agricultural professionals to the 2005 Women 
>>> in Sustainable Agriculture Conference.
>>> This national conference will be held October 21-23, 2005 at the 
>>> Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center in Burlington, VT. The event 
>>> is designed for farmers, ranchers, educators, agricultural service 
>>> providers, and representatives of non-profits and government 
>>> agencies. We are hoping for about 300-350 participants from around 
>>> the country (and Canada). Attendance is open to anyone.
>>> The program features:
>>> ·         Opening Keynote by Frances Moore Lappe, author of Diet 
>>> for a Small Planet;
>>> ·         Production, marketing, and business development workshops;
>>> ·         Advocacy and skill-building sessions;
>>> ·         Round-tables to learn from each other's experiences;
>>> ·         Exhibits, displays and poster sessions;
>>> ·         An optional intensive business development track -- "Grow 
>>> Your Business" -- that includes 2 additional workshops and 
>>> post-conference technical assistance -- at no extra cost.
>>> More information about the conference can be found at 
>>> You can also register there.
>>> Scholarship information (and a request form) is attached. 
>>> Scholarship requests will be accepted through September 20, 2005, 
>>> and will be reviewed on a first-come, first served basis as funding 
>>> lasts.
>>> Please pass this along to farmers you think would benefit. If you 
>>> have questions, please contact me at [log in to unmask] or 
>>> 802-223-2389x15
>> ********************************
>> Beth Holtzman
>> Women's Agricultural Network
>> 617 Comstock Rd.
>> Berlin, VT 05602
>> [log in to unmask]
>> 802-223-2389 ext. 15
>> ******************************
> -- 
> Allen Matthews
> UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture
> 802+656-0037

Allen Matthews
UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture