JOBS Archives

November 2005


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Glen McClintock <[log in to unmask]>
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Jump on Board for Success <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 Nov 2005 14:56:11 -0500
text/plain (18 lines)
Hello Everyone ~ 

As I mentioned in the minutes from the JOBS teleconference, I'm beginning to be put together a legislative update for JOBS and I need your help. As usual, I will be contacting all of you by phone to get outcome data on JOBS youth that have been closed successfully, although I will only be interested in just a few of the variables we measured last year.

This year, to really help legislators understand the import work you do, I'd like to include three short (3-4 sentences with a quote) success stories with pictures. The plan is to have a JOBS youth, a parent, and an employer tell why the JOBS Program has been important to them. If you can help me identify folks who would be willing to make a statement, I can provide release forms, a photographer, and help with formatting the story.

This is also a good way to highlight your program which will be identified in the legislative update

We'd like to get the update finished by January 1 so I'm anxious to hear if you have anyone in mind.

Thanks for your help with this, All the best, Glen


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