Apologies for any cross-postings
Borders Books and Music is offering to healthcare and fitness professionals
a 20% savings coupon on almost everything* in the store from Friday, January
20 through Monday, January 23.
*The discount applies to regular prices on all books, CDs, DVDs and gift
items. The discount on video games and electronics is 10%. The discount
excludes all food and beverage items, café merchandise, previous and online
purchases, gift cards, periodicals, comics, shipping, and non-stock special
Visit this website for the coupon
The coupon can be used at either a Borders or Waldenbooks location. To find
a location near you, visit
http://www.bordersstores.com/locator/locator.jsp?tt=gn or
Jeannine Creazzo, MLIS
Manager, Library Services
Saint Peter's University Hospital
254 Easton Avenue
New Brunswick, N.J. 08901-1703
p: 732-745-6647
f: 732-937-6091
e: [log in to unmask]
http://www.stpeterslibrary.com /
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