A number of people asked me to summarize the responses to my job advice post. Here are some of the suggestions sent in:
-volunteer at a medical library
-join MLA and local associations
-get a mentor from MLA
-take a medical terminology course
-take any classes you can at library school including health sciences librarianship and internships
-take classes through http://nnlm.gov/mar/online/ and any classes offered at a local medical library
-Go online and play around with PubMed, MedlinePlus, and other health websites
-start reading the professional literature (Journal of the Medical Library Association is available free in PubMed Central)
-shadow a medical librarian
-get as much library experience (any kind) as possible as skills are transferable
-apply to jobs even if the ads say they want experience
-being flexible about relocating will help
-mail your resume to places you would like to work at even though they don't have an opening
-link to an excellent article for those interested in medical librarianship http://www.liscareer.com/kane_medlibrarian.htm
Thanks again to everyone who responded!!
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