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January 2006, Week 2


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
"Matucheski, Michele L." <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 10:49:23 -0600
To: "[log in to unmask]"@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU
"Matucheski, Michele L." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (113 lines)
Hi All--
I received the following textbook recommendations on procedures for the
Multi-Skilled Caregiver class.  See below my signature for the summary of
responses and the original MEDLIB-L Post.

Thanks to all who responded!

Michele Matucheski, MLS, AHIP
The Clark Family Health Science Library
Mercy Medical Center - Affinity Health System
500 S. Oakwood Rd. - Box 3370
Oshkosh  WI 54903-3370

Voice (920)223-0340
Fax (920)223-0343
[log in to unmask]

"Expert care begins with expert information."

Skills for the Patient Care Technician by  Strasinger, Susan King ;  Di
Lorenzo, Marjorie Schaub [NL]080360355X    Edition  1 , 1999 , DAVIS F A
COMPANY [NL]List Price: $46.95   Univ. of West Florida, Pensacola. Provides
entry-level healthcare workers with a tool to become multiskilled. Covers
phlebotomy; the labor- atory; ECGs; and basic respiratory, radiography, and
nursing skills. Two-tone format workbook with halftone illustrations.

Training Manual for Health Care Central Service Technicians -
Edition 5 by Amer Soc Healthcare Central Service Professionals / American
Hospital Association 	078798244X 	(c)2006 	List Price: $115.00 

Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants 6E

Nursing Assistant Illustrated (Paperback)
by Thomson Delmar Learning 

"Advanced Skills for Nursing Assistants" by Francie Wolgin, Prentice Hall
Health 2005  ISBN:0131779850  $18

Workaround Idea :
We had the same problem.  We devised a "workaround" solution that may be an
idea for you and your instructor.

Yes, even the textbook we picked to go along with our Nursing Policy &
Procedures Manual wasn't always applicable for our nurses.

So, we created an intranet page that is specifically "How-to's" for our
nurses.  Among our staff, whoever wants to, can create a one or two page
document that is a "how to" for a specific procedure.  (Complete with a
checklist, pictures, step-by-step instructions.  The person creating the
specific "how-to" page is pulling information from various clinical
resources -- some documents are easily found in journal articles, some are
from textbooks, and some are "hospital-grown.")

Once the short "how-to" document is complete, it gets reviewed by the
top-level nursing committee to ensure that is the proper procedure for our
institution.  Then when approved, the page gets posted on to our intranet.
The person who created this "how to" obtains extra CE credits or recognition
as a Performance Improvement project.

Perhaps the instructor can use this for basis of a continuing assignment for
the students.  And it's something that will be available year after year --
and can be updated consistently.  And it will be EXACTLY what the instructor
wants as he/she is reviewing the document before having it posted.

These web pages could later be published as a book, to fill a niche in this
My original post to Medlib-L:

We are looking for a textbook recommendation to replace the following out of
print title for my Hospitals' Technical Colleague program :

Patient Care Procedures for the Multi-Skilled Care Giver
By Perspective Press / Morton Publishing Company
ISBN 0895823160
Copyright 1996
340 pages with lots of illustrations

So far, the suggestions I've gotten from our BOOKSELLER, Searching Matthews
Medical Books, and the Doody's list, I have not seen anything that seems to
fit the bill.

As I understand it, a Technical Colleague (aka Nursing Assistant Technician
or Patient Assistant Technician) does more than a Certified Nursing
Assistant, but doesn't do the critical thinking that an RN does.  So books
aimed at CNAs and RNs don't seem to fill the instructor's requirements.

Here's a short list of what she has already said NO to (Please don't send
recommendations for these titles) : Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills
- Elkin Clinical Skills & Interventions - Perry & Potter Nursing Assistant :
A Nursing Process Approach by Hegner (Even basic and fundamental nursing
books are not what she wants.)

She wants a text that very clearly and plainly goes through the How To of
each procedure with bullet points, illustrations, and lots of white space.
She specifically wants a textbook that every student can have for the class,
not video or DVD.

Technical Colleagues are "data collectors" who perform several procedures
like : urinary catheterization, sterile dressing changes, specimen
collection, care of feeding tubes, ostomy care, respiratory therapy skills,
suctioning with a Yankauer catheter, hot/cold applications, bladder
scanners, etc.

Anyone have any recommendations?  What textbook is your hospital using for
Multi-Skilled Caregivers? I will gladly summarize for the list.  TIA!