Hello, everyone. I'd really like your feedback on this database summary
for medical students and healthcare professionals. Please email me
privately with suggested changes, and I'll post to the lists.
* Use the ACP Journal Club database to...
- Read a critical appraisal of recent articles; also includes
secondary research articles such as meta-analysis or review articles
- Find topics on therapy, diagnosis, prognosis, etiology,
economics, quality improvement, clinical prediction guides and EBM
* Use the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials to...
- Search for controlled trials on treatments
- Find topics on therapy and prevention
- Write a systematic review
- NOTE: these articles require critical appraisal
* Use the Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews to find...
- Clinical data at the highest level of evidence (i.e.,
systematic review)
- Topics on therapy and prevention
* Use the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE) to...
- Read a critical appraisal of recently published meta-analysis
or review articles
- Find topics on therapy, prevention, diagnosis, rehabilitation
and screening
* Use PubMed's Systematic Reviews database to find...
- Primary and secondary research articles such as meta-analysis,
systematic review articles, guidelines, consensus development
conferences, reviews of clinical trials, and more
- Topics on therapy and prevention
- NOTE: these articles *may* require critical appraisal
Thank you,
Tanya Feddern, MLIS, AHIP, MOT, OTR/L
Evidence-Based Medicine Assistant Professor; Reference & Education
Services Librarian
University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, Louis Calder
Memorial Library