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March 2006


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"Rachel Gilbert. Hopkins" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Inter Residence Association <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 27 Mar 2006 23:00:07 -0500
text/plain (56 lines)
Hello All,
This looks great, my friend DaVaughn asked me to pass it along. You
should all consider attending this as well as "The Message of Crash" at
7:30 Thursday night in the Ira Allen Chapel, and "The Female Orgasm" at
9PM on Friday in CC Theater.
It looks like it's going to be a good week...
Hope it's good to you all,

The Next Installment Women's HerStory Month Programming
                            "Slaying the Dragon"
                               Hosted by SOJO

Slaying the Dragon takes a close look at the portrayal of Asian and
Asian American women in Hollywood films. This has been a subject of
much debate over time and now the debate comes to UVM.

The film "Slaying the Dragon" is an one-hour long documentary which
identifies and
examines the various racial and stereotypical roles and portrayals
that Asian-American women have played in American media.

Particular emphasis is place on the evolution of the Asian-American
women?s image in American film; from the use of white actors to play
Asians in early American films to the type casting of Asian-Americans
women in to the role of anchorwoman of today and seductive, stealthy
martial arts actress.

Come watch this film and share your thoughts in a facilitated
discussion following the screening by members of SOJO Special Ops.

::: Refreshments will be provided:::
If interested please reply to [log in to unmask] so that we can order food

The details
When: Wednesday 29th 2006
Time: 8pm
Where: Christie Wright Patterson (CWP) Rotunda
Sponsored by: Social Justice Community (SOJO)

What others have said about Slaying the Dragon
Slaying the Dragon shows how racism and the shifting winds of history
have inhibited realistic portrayals of Asian women.
John Carman
San Francisco Chronicle

Intelligent, moving.
New Directions for Women

For more information contact DaVaughn Bryan at [log in to unmask]
or Jean Pak at
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