August 2006


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"J. Greg Mackinnon" <[log in to unmask]>
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Technology Discussion at UVM <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 29 Aug 2006 12:59:55 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)
I did an install of Vista Build 5536 (pre-RC1) on my Gateway M275 Tablet 
yesterday, and then installed the Cisco Beta client on that system.  
Installation went smoothly, and I am able to establish a VPN 
connection.  Nice to see that something works for a change.

The "start VPN client before logon" option that I find useful on 
occasion is not yet available in this build.  Hopefully Cisco will slip 
that feature back in before Vista goes "gold'.


J. Greg Mackinnon wrote:
> I gave the installer a whirl this am on Vista build 5472 (post Beta 2, 
> the same build that David is using).  The installer archive is Valid, 
> but installation is not completing on my desktop system.  I suspect 
> that the installer has not been tested against this Vista build, and 
> only works with Beta 2 (build 5364).
> C'est la vie.
> -Greg
> David Todd wrote:
>> Greg,
>>     Thanks for monitoring this. 
>>     I tried to load it last night under Beta 2.  All I got was a 
>> command window and a lot of disk whirring, but no install.  Is that 
>> really the right .exe file?  (it _is_ 10MB in size, though)  Even 
>> attempts to download it from that web site behaved a bit oddly.
>> David
>> J. Greg Mackinnon wrote:
>>> For those of you participating in Beta testing of Windows Vista, 
>>> Cisco has released (finally) a beta version of the VPN Client, 
>>> tested against the Beta 2 release:
>>> I have not tested this myself, but will try to take a stab at it 
>>> next week.
>>> -Greg Mackinnon
>>> CIT Technical Support Group