Greetings, VBS Volunteers:
Here’s an opportunity to expand your insect horizons. As many of you may
already know, the Vermont Entomological Society is our state’s premier
organization for the study and appreciation of insects (including
butterflies). VES has an awesome newsletter, runs exciting field trips
and has an abundance of members fascinated with most any kind of
invertebrate. (VBS’s own Bryan Pfeiffer is the VES president.)
Now VES has its own email discussion group. I’m convinced it will become
THE premier electronic bulletin board about insects in Vermont. Even if
you’re not yet a VES member, you can join the on-line group by visiting But in
order to continue using the service, please do join VES. Membership is a
mere $10 per year. You can join by visiting the VES web site at: Thanks!
Best regards,
Kent McFarland
Conservation Biology Department
Vermont Institute of Natural Science
27023 Church Hill Rd.
Woodstock, VT 05091
802-457-1053 x124
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