July 2007


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Mitchel Cohen <[log in to unmask]>
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Science for the People Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 31 Jul 2007 13:29:55 -0400
text/plain (81 lines)
Sugar Encourages the Growth of Tumors

[Translated from the German by my brother, Howard 
Cohen, from the WZ Düsseldorf, page 1 of the Science section, July 26, 2007]

NUTRITION: Biologist Johannes Coy has Discovered 
that Starch-Free Eating Stops Cancer.

Duesseldorf -- Too good to be true? The person 
who eats right - that is to say eats only very 
small amounts of sugar/starch - can hinder the 
growth of cancer tumors and even destroy them. 
This is the observation of the tumor-biologist, 
Johannes Coy from Darmstadt who has further 
developed the long-forgotten theory of the Nobel 
Prize winner, Otto Warburg. In 1924 the scientist 
(Warburg) determined that certain cancer cells 
manufacture their own energy through the 
fermentation of glucose. Coy has found, in 
addition to this, that this fermentation is 
generated by the amino acid/enzyme: 
Transscetolase (TKTL1) which is produced by the 
most virulent cancers. The more TKTL1 there is, 
the more suger will be fermented into Milchsäure
(trans: milk acid - the natural by product of the 
anerobic energy production) which makes the tumor 
more agressive. This acid attacks the surrounding 
tissue and paves the way for the spreading of offspring tumors.

Chemotherapy doesn't Always Help

"When the cancer has already spread and the 
enzyme (TKTL1) is found in the tumor then 
chemotherapy will not help," says Coy. This is 
true for all forms of cancer. Up to now the 
chances of healing under these circumstances was 
very small. "But with a starch-free diet the 
patient can starve the cancer, so to speak," says 
the scientist. Because if the cells get no suger 
they can't reproduce. His successes in nutrition 
with sick animals are documented. "Aside from 
these there are some [cancer ridden] patients 
whose chances for survival have increased through 
a controlled diet. Presently at the University in 
Wuerzburg at the Women's Clinic these theories are being studied.

The Cancer Information Center 
(Krebsinformationsdienst) [this is a national 
structure like a part of the FDA] reacts 
reservedly to Coy's findings. Although it 
substantiates that the search for the enzyme 
TKTL1 is very helpful in the diagnostic of the 
cancer's progress, the research in this area is 
just beginning. One must not, on the basis of 
these new findings, influence the patients' therapies.

Medicine Experts React Reservedly

Professor Mathias Freund from the Society of 
Tumors and Cancers (Gesellschaft Haemotologie und 
Onkologie) also was reserved in his reaction. 
Although he confirms that other studies have come 
to the same conclusions and that it'd be 
reasonable to develop a medicine to block the 
enzyme, one can't make the assumption from these 
findings that a low sugar diet would slow down 
tumor growth. "That's just pure speculation," says the doctor.

In spite of this pessimism Coy is certain that 
he's on the right track. He even goes a step 
further and believes that people can even reduce 
the risk of getting cancer through proper 
nutrition. "One just has to look at the Eskimos 
[sic]. Their diet used to be comprised of 
extremely protein-rich and starch-poor foods and 
they never got cancer. These tumors began as they 
started assuming our [sic] western eating 
habits," says Coy. He sees his medical 
suggestions only as a supplement to the existing medical methods.