The article by Agostín Lage, "Economía de conocimiento...apeared in Cuba Socialista #41. You can access it by cvonnecting to Granma digital. The column on the left side of the page list linkages, and the last one is Otros Sitios. Click that to get to regional newspapers and also some general mags including Cuba Socialista. Unfortunately it is not one the articles that was translated into English.As to propaganda, the test is not whether you like the style, but whether there is anythingm innacurate in it. Dick
>>> "Dr. Science" <[log in to unmask]> 7/4/2007 12:20 PM >>>
Well, I might as well give up on private correspondence to try to
avoid getting even more stuff on the listserv archive. So here is my
Dr. Science <[log in to unmask]>
to Jonathan Campbell <[log in to unmask]>
cc Michael Balter <[log in to unmask]>
date Jul 4, 2007 11:04 AM
subject Thanks, and comments
Dear Jonathan,
Just saw your post:
date: Jul 4, 2007 9:47 AM
subject: Harvard School of Public Health review of Cuban health
system, from 2002
Thank you very much. I also am enormously appreciative of your
willingness to allow me to refer to you publicly without objecting.
The last thing I want to do is to embarrass you or Michael or anyone
else in the group. I am working on more commentary on the material
that Michael has been calling to our attention, material that in my
opinion is of a diversionary nature away from the real world problems
we (SftP) ought to be concentrating on. I think Michael has command of
a great deal of hard scientific knowledge from his years of graduate
study in biology at UCLA from which SftP could get a lot of benefit,
but in order to derive that benefit I think he has to acknowledge to
himself the social role he has been playing since he left his studies.
The trash of Freeman Dyson's speculations is actually getting some
attention on our listserv, and Tadit's related last post is very
valuable in helping us get more educated politically. The review of
Moore's Sicko that Michael just turned us on to is grist for the mill.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading that bitterly jealous effort to discredit
Moore. Imagine having to go to Miami to find a Cuban exile physician
to say negative things about Cuba. Of course Moore is doing
propaganda, or as I like to characterize my own efforts,
counter-propaganda. I hope to get Michael to become a real ally, which
I think he honestly believes he already is. Maybe he'll join the group
that forms (hopefully) for a few weeks of on-the-ground experience in
Cuba. By the way, I asked Dick Levins for a link to the article in
Spanish he mentioned about privatization of information and the Cuban
counter-effort, but haven't heard from him yet. I tried googling the
publication he mentioned so I could then do a search, but it looked
like a straight government propaganda site, full of adulation of the
great commander Fidel, etc. Pretty much of a turn-off for me, that
website. So it goes.
Best, and thanks again for the article from the Harvard School of Public Health.