the dues are $50..i will add your name to the teams.. these teams were
made from a few weeks ago.. I am trying to turn this into a real
team.. we will be travelling and competing. There are a lot of
finances for all of this and I cant rely solely on SGA. In order to
make this all happen, I need everyones support. If you want to be part
of the actual team..this is mandatory. I am sure we can figure
something out. You will definitely be able to play tomorrow. Hope this
answers your questions.
> Dear Pearson,
> Hello! There are two things I felt I had to respond to in your
> last email. First off, my name was not on the green or the yellow team,
> I hope this does not mean I get no matches. Second off, this is the
> first I am hearing of any "dues." How much are these dues? Thank you
> for your time.
> Zach Realberg