Hey guys,
This looks like a fun-filled day at Petra cliffs!!
I emailed andrea and asked if we could sell raffle tickets and be
included at this event. Hopefully she says yes!!
I will let everyone know asap.
----- Forwarded message from [log in to unmask] -----
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 13:21:22 -0400
From: Petra Cliffs & Mammut USA <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: Petra Cliffs & Mammut USA <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: FREE Climbing Day @ Petra Cliffs!
To: [log in to unmask]
Come one & all to an all ages, all abilities FREE CLIMBING DAY at Petra Cliffs
Climbing Center! No climbing experience necessary.
Sunday, September 23, 10am-6pm (come any time for free climbing)
http://www.petracliffs.com / http://www.climbhigh.com
Petra Cliffs & Mammut are sponsoring "Climb Up So Kids Can Grow Up," an
event to benefit the Foundation for Children with Aids. Here's what you can
Free Clinics & Climbing Demos-- beginner & intermediate (times tba)
Food, courtesy of the UVM Outing Club (thank you)
Dyno competition and an informal bouldering competition (times tba)
Demo equipment from Mammut
and more...
Bring your friends, family, kids... and take advantage of this free
climbing day!!
Please e-mail [log in to unmask] or call (802)657-3872 with any
questions. Times of clinics & comps to come soon.
Climb away!
Petra Cliffs Climbing Center, Mountaineering School & Teambuilding Authority
105 Briggs Street
Burlington, VT 05401
----- End forwarded message -----
Come one & all to an all ages, all abilities FREE CLIMBING DAY at Petra Cliffs
Climbing Center! No climbing experience necessary.
Sunday, September 23, 10am-6pm (come any time for free climbing)
http://www.petracliffs.com / http://www.climbhigh.com
Petra Cliffs & Mammut are sponsoring "Climb Up So Kids Can Grow Up," an
event to benefit the Foundation for Children with Aids. Here's what you can
Free Clinics & Climbing Demos-- beginner & intermediate (times tba)
Food, courtesy of the UVM Outing Club (thank you)
Dyno competition and an informal bouldering competition (times tba)
Demo equipment from Mammut
and more...
Bring your friends, family, kids... and take advantage of this free climbing day!!
Please e-mail [log in to unmask] or call (802)657-3872 with any
questions. Times of clinics & comps to come soon.
Climb away!
Petra Cliffs Climbing Center, Mountaineering School & Teambuilding Authority
105 Briggs Street
Burlington, VT 05401