Hi all,
Tomorrow is the activities festival for all SGA
clubs/organizations. We have a table reserved from 9-3:15 outside of
the third floor of Davis (by the oval entrance) Set-up is from 9-10
and clean up is from 3-3:15.
We will begin the kayak raffle, sell t-shirts, and have people sign
up to join EWB-UVM. We could really use help/ people to be at the
table. Especially to set-up form 9-10 and the afternoon from 12-3:15.
It is important to have someone at the table at all times, not just
to promote the club, but to look over the money box.
Please contact Jess and let her know when you are available to be
at the table. 10:30 to 12 is covered.
"Jessica Elizabeth Stanley" <[log in to unmask]>
REMEMBER to wear your EWB t-shirts tomorrow or come pick one up if you
are an ewb student member :)