September 2007


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UVM Juggling Club <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 2 Sep 2007 20:29:42 -0400
text/plain (31 lines)
Hello everyone,

I hope you had a great first week of classes! As you may know, this  
upcoming Wednesday will be the annual Activities Fest at the Davis  
Center. The event will run from 10am to 3pm, but we need to sign in at  
9am inside at the front desk. We also need people to run the juggling  
table at various times during the day, so if the returning members  
could send an email back saying if and/or when you can come that would  
be great.

I also received a list of freshmen interested in joining the club. I  
added you all to the email list, but if you want to officially join,  
you need to come see us on Wednesday and sign the club roster sheet.  
We hope to see you there!

Also, since the weather is still nice, we decided to have our usual  
Wednesday get together at 6pm outside on Athletic campus, near  
Harris-Mills and U-Heights. This will be a great opportunity to meet  
the new members and get a sense of what you guys want to do this  
semester. If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to  
contact us!

Juggle or Die,
703 967 0448
[log in to unmask]

PS. One more thing: if you don't want to continue receiving emails for  
the juggling club, email us back with the word "remove" in the subject  