Don Clark, Hector Galbraith and I birded Herricks Cove and the Upper Meadows this morning. We had 47 species with highlights listed below.
Wilsons Snipe -- 1
American Bittern -- 1
Pied-billed Grebe -- 3
Green-winged Teal -- 50
BLUE-WINGED TEAL -- 40 There was a large flock of about 90 teal, 40 of which proved to be Blue-wings! (All teal were either females or still in nonbreeding plumage).
Merlin -- 1
Coopers Hawk --2
Sharp-shinned hawk --4
Broad-winged Hawk --1
Northern Harrier --3
Palm Warbler --1
Lincolns Sparrow --1
Purple Finch --8+
Good birding
Taj Schottland
Putney, VT
Birding Bumperstickers for Sale!
"so many birds so little time"
"I'd rather be birding"
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