UVMSASS Archives

December 2007


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Colleen Marie Luczynski <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Colleen Marie Luczynski <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 8 Dec 2007 11:35:00 -0500
text/plain (23 lines)
Hello Dancers,

Its your trustee secretary here sending you my speech on why you all  
should vote for me to be the S.A.S.S. secretary for the 2008-2009  
academic year.  First off, I have been a member of the club since it's  
birth in the fall of 2005 and have been actively involved its overall  
organization.  I have strong relationships with the current officers  
as well as all of the coaches for both ballroom and salsa.  Secondly,  
I feel that the future of the club overall will benefit from my being  
on board due to my experience and knowledge of both the ballroom and  
salsa aspects of the club, as well as the skills that I have gained  
from being an official and unofficial member of the board for 2 ½  
years.  I am familiar with the system, dedicated, dependable and  
devoted to the growth and success of the Salsa and Swing Society.   So  
please vote for me, Colleen Luczynski, for Secretary for the 2008-2009  
academic year.  I want to wish those of you who are also running for  
the position the best of luck.  Good luck on finals everyone!  Hope to  
see you out dancing tonight!


Colleen M. Luczynski