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May 2008


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Jane Schlossberg <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 31 May 2008 22:20:44 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)
For the first year, that I have noticed at least, I have been hearing a cerulean singing loudly from branches in the woods a few yards from my house. At first I thought " Oh, a black-throated blue on caffeine", but I quickly drew on my past experience and recalled the song...and there it was, a glimpse of blue and black in the dense understory of the forest. Nice...
Oh, and the veeries are back in full song, for a week or so, which assures me the world is not coming to an end quite so soon. Peewees began peeweeing a week ago as well, always a sigh of relief (on my part!) that they have returned after the long haul. They seem to me to be about the last songbird to reappear on the scene, hearing them is l
 ike filling in the last piece of a beautiful puzzle. They complete the spring symphony.

The hummers took less than a day to find the feeder, they seem to always know where it should be and elicit the proper response from me each spring. They have me well trained. I've no doubt the same goes for many of you.

The woods are relatively filled with song now, with a few missing and a few added. 

I've only seen one bat flitting about over my yard, as opposed to the half dozen or so that use to circle the open areas from my deck. It's painfully hard to imagine the local environment without these awesome animals. I've got my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that they will somehow make a comeback.

Jane 20S.

Saint George

-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory Askew <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sat, 31 May 2008 10:31 am
Subject: [VTBIRD] Cerulean Warbler

Thanks to a tip from Henry Trombley, I located a CERULEAN WARBLER in
Wilmarth Woods on Snake Mountain. A combination of poor lighting, small
bird, and tall trees made spying the Cerulean after hearing it very
difficult, but after about thirty minutes of wandering in circles and some
serious warbler-neck I succeeded in getting some sustained views. A
wonderful little creature.


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