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May 2008


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June Schulte <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 May 2008 22:31:07 -0400
text/plain (20 lines)
Has anyone seen newly fledged birds yet?

I sent Jane's question about the Bluejay being fed suet by a Downy 
Woodpecker to
my son who is a wildlife biologist, and below is his take on it.   ~ 
June in Jericho

My guess is that this is a recently fledged blue jay and the downy 
woodpecker has young back in the nest. The blue jay is begging to 
anything it sees that has food and the downy woodpecker's feeding 
response is triggered by the behavior since it is geared up to feed 
babies at the moment. Birds are usually triggered to feed their young 
by the begging sound and the sight of the bright yellow/orange/red 
lining of the mouth of young birds. I guess this is just one 
overstimulated woodpecker. Pretty funny.  The only other option is 
that female blue jays will display like that to males as part of the 
courtship display, but I doubt one would do that to a woodpecker!