At the Retreat Meadows, Brattleboro, this evening- 4 Least Sandpipers, 3
Spotted Sandpipers,1 Killdeer, 2 GBH's, 1 second yr Bald Eagle, several yellow
warblers. Around home on Bonnyvale Rd.- 8 Myrtle Warblers, 2 B&W Warblers,
2 Redstarts, 2 C. Yellowthroats, 2 Yellow Warblers, 1 Chestnut -Sided Warbler,
2 R-T Hummingbirds, 6+ Balt. Orioles, 4 R-B Grosbeaks, 2 House Wrens, 4
Least Flycatchers, 2 Catbirds, 2 R-C Kinglets, 2 E. Towhees, a pair of Y-B
Sapsuckers, 1 Pileated Wp., 1 Veery, 2 Hermit Thrush, 1 White- Crowned Sp.,
and an abundance of White Throated and Chipping Sparrows.