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June 2008, Week 1


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Jun 2008 09:44:42 +1000
Cleo Wilkinson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Cleo Wilkinson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (113 lines)

Just wanted to provide some feedback on our experience.  We have had an
on site-only subscription to UpToDate since 2003.  In the first few
years of the subscription, the price increases were out of line with our
budget increases and usually about 20% although the price was flat for
one year.  Last year however, the price increase was about 90% and this
year again the price increase is 90%.   If we continue next year, we'll
be paying six times our original subscription cost.  We're now at the
point where we may need to begin canceling other portions of our
collection to support this product.  We have tried to negotiate better
pricing and terms for this product and have never had any success - our
experience (which begins with me and goes on up through the library
director to the dean of the medical school) is that they don't


Regarding the content, it's quite good, as is DynaMed.  However, there
is a strong brand preference for UpToDate, particularly in the medicine
department, that seems to greatly outpace any comparison of content.
We're now in a very difficult position - the product is very popular and
very highly used and has some very vocal, powerful supporters, and it's
also expensive and unpredictably priced.  From a business perspective,
we would like to cancel.  From a user/usage perspective, it's a great


Best of luck!


Laura Abate



I evaluated Clin-eguide, Zynx, MDConsult, Up-to-Date and Dynamed.  I
chose Ciln-eguide for our hospital system because it utilized much of
the other content we were buying from Ovid.  It is very nice system and
easy to use.


MDConsult was my second choice.  I really liked content.  Unfortunately,
a third part URL link resolver is necessary to access other electronic


Zynx was not very impressive, but it is a choice because it comes
packaged with Order sheets software that works with our ERM system.  The
content is very limited.


Dynamed was ok but not impressive.  My next to last choice.


I really disliked Up-to-Date.  The salespeople are very difficult and
take every opportunity to go over your head or to others in organization
to sell product.  They limit access to hospital computers only and are
real difficult with making you prove that technology limits access.
This alone killed deal for us because our doctors needed to use from
offices and homes.  They only provide thier product with no additional
content.  Several of the other systems have plenty of content that can
be added.  They had the highest prices, I thought outrageous.  They
provide content for only a few specialities and we have many areas that
they did not cover.  You might ask if they do anything in the area of
Pathology.  Summed up, the least for the most.


Of course all of this is just my opinion.  I would get trials and do
some "live" searches and see what you think.




Paul Deane

Medical Librarian

Alexian Brothers Medical Center

Medical Library

800 Biesterfield

Elk Grove, IL 60007

847-437-5500 X4750

847-981-5922 Fax

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Cleo Wilkinson | Library | Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
P +61 (07) 33778525 | E [log in to unmask]