MEDLIB-L Archives

June 2008, Week 1


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"Kleinmuntz, Dalia" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Kleinmuntz, Dalia
Mon, 2 Jun 2008 16:04:49 -0500
text/plain (26 lines)
Hi everybody.  If you already responded to the first posting of last
week, skip this one.  There is VERY little information in the published
literature, and Google provides very strange responses to POD Nursing or
POD ER or etc.   SO :  Apparently the concept is being tried out, but
the question is WHERE?   I found one sort of explanation "POD nursing,
(from what I'm told) is where the dept is kind of divided up in mini
ER's.  There are supposed to be 2 Nurses, 1 tech, 1 secretary and 1 Doc
of PA assigned to a POD, and we're supposed to function just as our own
little ER, inside of this Giant  ER...."   This is off Google, something
called  Etc.   The nurse who asked the original
question is a "NicoleRN07. and the postings are for Feb 21-24 2007.   

I can't believe that if this is being tried, and talked about, that
there is NOBETTER WAY TO IDENTIFY THE ERs that are trying it ???

Can you please just ask the ER nurses in your organization?
(sorry about the multiple postings)

Dalia Kleinmuntz, M.L.S. 
Director of Webster Library & ENH Library Resources
Evanston Hospital, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare
847-570-2664 (voice)    
847-570-2926 (fax)                  [log in to unmask]    
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  (home) 
Opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect those of ENH.