MEDLIB-L Archives

June 2008, Week 1


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Paul Deane <[log in to unmask]>
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Paul Deane <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Jun 2008 07:40:52 -0500
text/plain (29 lines)
How do you deal with inappropriate activity in the library?
Do you have policies set up?
What types of inappropriate activity have you encountered?>>

Our library is open 7 - 5 M-F, occasionally not staffed.  Security will open for staff & physicians 24-7 if closed and staff frequently use the library.  We have seven public access computers that staff can use for work or other.  We have copier and color printer that can be used as needed.  We allow food and drinks, esp. as people study late and on weekends.

The only inappropriate activity I have seen in four years is an occasional physician using copier for office copying of 100's of documents.  In all cases, when they were asked not to use for office records of large volumes, they have complied.  Generally they seem to respect library and self-police and clean-up.

Theft of materials has not been a problem.  However, we have discovered that if we do not send overdue notices, people tend to forget that they checked out material.  With notices, they are very good about returning materials.

Paul Deane
Medical Librarian
Alexian Brothers Medical Center
Medical Library
800 Biesterfield
Elk Grove, IL 60007
847-437-5500 X4750
847-981-5922 Fax
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