EWB Archives

March 2009


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Abigail Catherine Franklin <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Engineers Without Borders <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Mar 2009 12:04:01 -0500
text/plain (1303 bytes) , EWBMar4th.docx (25 kB)
Hi everyone,
Attached are the minutes from last night's meeting. There weren't many  
present so read it over and make sure to write down important dates  
coming up. Also in the Minutes are a description of each of the six  
elected offices we will be voting on at our Meeting March 25. Again,  
read them over, and if you're interested in committing further time to  
our club and making a big difference, email me back with your full  
name, year in school, and position you're interested in. You must be  
present March 25 to run for an elected offices. Please have a brief  
introduction of yourself (interests, major, other things you do on/off  
campus, why you'd like to be elected to an office...etc.) ready to  
share with the club before elections. I need an email for those  
interested NO LATER THAN Monday, March 23. To stay organized and on  
top of everything, I really must know by that date.

Also you'll notice in the minutes a special meeting on the 18 to  
discuss oven building. PLEASE plan on being present. We need all the  
hands to build possible, and we need your ideas. Again, March 18 @  
7:10pm in Votey 254. I'll be sending a reminder after break.

Well, aside from all of that, please, please, please have a WONDERFUL  
break! See you all in a couple weeks!