EWB Archives

March 2009


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Abigail Catherine Franklin <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Engineers Without Borders <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Mar 2009 01:02:14 -0500
text/plain (45 lines)
Hello again,

As you all know this Wednesday is the due date for oven group reports.  
I want to make it clear that we are not necessarily looking for a  
'Harry Potter' novel of what your group has been working on (laugh, it  
was a joke), but rather a detailed compilation of everything your  
group has done to date (this can include drawings, research papers,  
excel spreadsheets, interviews, etc). However, we are requesting that  
each group prepare a one to two page summary cover page, with the  
purpose of being useful in future years to future members working on  
this project. In short, explain your groups objectives and goals, and  
summarize your plans for the test oven. We don't want to leave any  
detail out, as many questions are being asked multiple times over  
again when an answer already exists. Your reports will be returned at  
our next meeting in March in a binder (one for each oven group) that  
will include a notebook. In this notebook each club will be  
responsible for recording all data and steps that group takes while  
working on the test oven. Again, it is very important we keep detailed  
records. More will be explained about this on Wednesday!

We will also be discussing oven construction dates and times--be sure  
to bring your calendar!

Also on Wednesday we will be reviewing club offices and their  
responsibilities. We will be voting on 2009-2010 EWB UVM club officers  
at our second meeting in March. I will explain in detail the  
responsibilities these positions have at the meeting and will also be  
sending out an email defining them. As a heads up now, if you are  
interested in running for an elected position, please send me an email  
with your full name, year in school, and the position you wish to run  
for. These offices will include:

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising and  
special events Chair, Networking and Outreach Chair.

Again, we will be voting on March 25 at our regularly scheduled  
meeting. If you can't make the meeting Wednesday, but are interested,  
keep a look out for another email from me.

Well, see you all Wednesday @ 7:10pm in Votey 254 (note the meeting  
time change)!
