April 2009


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"Kate E. Turcotte" <[log in to unmask]>
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Kate E. Turcotte
Mon, 6 Apr 2009 08:25:50 -0400
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   TODAY AT THE VERMONT FOOD SUMMIT...    FIRST DAY! AND AGAIN, ALL EVENTS ARE OPEN TO THE WHOLE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY!    Lunch time lecture at Noon with AMY B. TRUBEK talking about...    ?HOW CAN WE IMAGINE A FUTURE FOOD SYSTEM THAT IS HEALTHY FOR OUR ENVIRONMENT, OUR CULTURE AND OUR HEALTH??    /Bring your lunch to eat in the Food Lounge at Noon!/    (food lounge is located on the first floor of the Davis Center next to Brennan's Pub)    BIOGRAPHY. After college, Amy Trubek was an apprentice to a chef in a French restaurant and eventually went to Cordon Bleu Cooking School. She then went on to pursue graduate studies in Food & Culture, eventually earning a Ph.D. in anthropology in 1995. She is now an assistant professor in the Nutrition and Food Science department at the University of Vermont. She teaches courses in the contemporary food system, food and culture, food history and qualitative research methods. Her research interests include the history of the culinary profession, the globalization of the food supply, local foods, the relationship between taste and place, and domestic cooking in the contemporary United States..    FIELD TRIP TO THE INTERVALE!    /2-4pm Today, there are still spots left, so stop by the Food Lounge to sign up! Meet in Hills 17 at 2pm to drive down to the Intervale!/    Join other students on a trip down to the Intervale Community Farm! Meet Andy Jones and learn about how they run their 500 member Community Supported Agriculture share program!    BATTLE OF THE CAMPUS CHEFS!    /Today at 6pm in the Silver Maple Ballroom! Don't miss it!/    The ultimate competition, eleven chefs pair up with student groups to create a dish that will be judged by a panel and the audience. This kick-off event for the Summit will prove to be entertaining and delicious, all for a good cause! Different students groups, from the girl?s club soccer team to the GreenHouse RLC, will work with their chefs to create an appetizer, salad, or dessert that will be judged on categories such as use of local ingredients, originality, taste, and so on. The winner receives a trophy to bring back to their dining hall and the title of ?UVM Top Chef?! The audience will count for half of the votes, so come and support your favorite campus chefs and students groups by eating the best that they have to offer! Admission to the event is a $2 donation to Campus Kitchens at the door.    /Note: Tickets are sold at the door for $2, and all donations go to Campus Kitchens. Each chef is making enough food to feed 250-300 people, so expect to be pretty full at this event!/    Last of all, showing of FAST FOOD NATION!    /Tonight at 8pm in CC Theater/    Inspired by the incendiary bestseller that exposed the hidden facts behind America's fast food industry comes a powerful drama that takes an eye-opening journey into the dark heart of the All-American meal. Richard Linklater's FAST FOOD NATION traces the birth of an everyday, ordinary burger through a chain of riveting, interlocked human stories - from a hopeful, young immigrant couple who cross the border to work in a perilous meat-packing plant, to a teen clerk who dreams of life beyond the counter; to the corporate marketing whiz who is shocked to discover that his latest burger invention - "The Big One" - is literally full of manure. As the film traverses from pristine barbeque smoke labs to the volatile U.S.-Mexican border, it unveils a provocative portrait of all the yearning, ambition, corruption and hope that lies inside what America is biting into.    Also, stop by the Food Lounge to hang out, check out what else is going on this week, to sign up for workshops, and find out what you can do to get involved with food at UVM!!!    Also visit the Vermont Food Summit website for all of the information you need to know about the week at[1]    Scroll down to see and print the Vermont Food Summit poster! Links: ------ [1]