April 2009


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"Kate E. Turcotte" <[log in to unmask]>
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Kate E. Turcotte
Tue, 7 Apr 2009 08:29:52 -0400
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   Today for the    Vermont Food Summit...    First off, great first day everyone! Great discussions, food, people, and competition! Now we're on to day Two of the Vermont Food Summit, and have a very full schedule!    BURLINGTON EAT-IN!    /Today from 11-1pm, RAIN LOCATION- First Floor of DC!/    An Eat-In is a group of people gathering together in public to share a meal. It is a protest against food that is fast, artificially cheap, and industrially produced. The purpose of this Eat-In is for the generation inheriting the current food system to demonstrate to the community that we want good, clean, and fair food for the future and that we can all come to the table to create a just food system. We are asking all UVM student, faculty, and staff to take some time out of their day to eat together during this time to demonstrate our desire and commitment to change in the food system and demand for real food! Visit the national website at[1]    BRING YOUR LUNCH, BRING A SIGN, AND JOIN US TO DEMONSTRATE THAT WE WANT A DIFFERENT FOOD SYSTEM!    Lunch discussion with PROFESSOR ERNESTO MENDEZ at Noon in the Food Lounge around the topic...    &QUOT;COMPLEX INTERACTIONS BETWEEN FOOD, PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT.&QUOT;    FOOD &AMP; YOU: HOW'S THE RELATIONSHIP?    1pm in the Boulder Society Room     Annie Cressey an Interim Health Educator in Health Promotion Services. Her focus is assessing, developing, and coordinating awareness programs on the intersections of eating disorders/disordered eating, body image, nutrition and fitness. During this time she will lead a discussion around your relationship with food. Does food have meaning in your life? Why do you choose to eat certain foods? How does it affect your life? Annie will use film &QUOT;MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING&QUOT; to start discussions around this topic.    SHOWING OF &QUOT;THE FUTURE OF FOOD&QUOT;    2pm in Williams Room     The Future of Food offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade. From the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada to the fields of Oaxaca, Mexico, this film gives a voice to farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been negatively impacted by this new technology. The health implications, government policies and push towards globalization are all part of the reason why many people are alarmed by the introduction of genetically altered crops into our food supply. Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, The Future of Food examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world's food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today.    FIELD TRIP TO COMMON GROUND STUDENT FARM!    /RAIN CHANGE! 3pm, meet in the /    /Food Lounge to drive out b/c of rain/    EATING WELL ON A (COLLEGE) BUDGET    /STILL SOME SPOTS LEFT! SIGN UP IN FOOD LOUNGE/     One of City Market's most popular classes is being offered during the Vermont Food Summit for UVM students! Tour the bulk section, sample recipes, and learn more about money saving tips that can help you eat well on a college budget!    SLOW FOOD DINNER    7pm Slade Hall on Redstone Campus     Come celebrate good, clean, and fair food! Bring a dish and learn more about the Youth Food Movement that is happening at UVM! The localvore community at Slade Hall will talk about what they are doing to live a life that supports local farms and teaches students skills to live a more sustainable lifestyle. The students of the newly created Slow Food at UVM will talk about what they have done around campus to change the way we eat and will discuss future plans as a club at UVM.     SHOWING &QUOT;UNNATURAL SELECTION&QUOT;    7:30pm in CC Theater    Unnatural Selection takes us on a panoramic world tour of some of the places that have been most directly impacted by aggressive corporate promotion of genetically engineered agriculture. For those already familiar with the basics of this issue, the journey illuminates the vast international dimensions of the debate. For those new to genetic engineering, it offers a profound and colorful introduction. It is a work of compelling urgency and stunning beauty that should not be missed by anyone who cares about food and the people who grow it.    Please forward to anyone who eats food! For the whole list of events, check out the website and print out a brochure at[2] Thank you!! Links: ------ [1] [2]