April 2009


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"Kate E. Turcotte" <[log in to unmask]>
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Kate E. Turcotte
Thu, 9 Apr 2009 07:29:47 -0400
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   LAST DAY OF VERMONT FOOD SUMMIT EVENTS!    While we still have the Young Farmer Dance Party tomorrow and Robert Egger next Wednesday, today is the last main day of events for the Vermont Food Summit!    /LAST DAY OF THE FOOD LOUNGE!/    For todays lunch discussion at Noon, JOHN HAYDEN will be talking about...    "Building Food Self Reliance"    John is a farmer, professor in Plant and Soil Science, founder of a non-profit, member of the NOFA-VT Board of Directors, adviser to the Slow Foods at UVM, and so much more! Bring your lunch and join him for this discussion!    Showing of "Every Child. Everyone Day"    12pm Today in Spruce Room NOTE LOCATION CHANGE ***    SNACKS WILL BE PROVIDED!!    In November 2007, the Vermont Campaign to End Childhood Hunger (VTCECH) debuted a new documentary on hunger in Vermont and its myriad solutions: Every Child. Every Day. On November 29th, the Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center hosted the film's exciting premiere, where over 200 community members and leaders from the business, non-profit, and political sectors came together for the film's first public showing. Debuting amid Thanksgiving and the winter holiday season, Every Child. Every Day. poignantly reminds us of the devastating effects of chronic hunger and malnutrition, featuring anecdotes from real Vermonters. More importantly, it shows how the comprehensive "safety net" of public health programs, nutrition education, and emergency food services can put a stop to childhood hunger in Vermont. Joanne Heidkamp from the VCTECH will show the movie and lead short discussions after the film, as well as answer any questions that people might have about the local non-profit and hunger in Vermont.    Workshop with the Vermont Institute for Artisan Cheese!    2pm at VIAC in 255 Carrigan Wing    We had a couple spots open, so the people that signed up get the first spots, but if you are interested stop by and we'll see if there is room! Learn how you can become a cheesemaking, learn what they do at VIAC, and sample some Vermont artisan cheeses!    Last of all, our big end of the week celebration is...    /LOCAL FOODS POTLUCK AND CONTRA DANCE!/    Dinner starts at 6pm, dancing starts at 7pm    Billings North Lounge, Central Campus    Bring your dancing shoes and potluck dish, and let?s have a good time! After a week of working hard on changing one of the most complicated problems of our time, it?s time to laungh, dance, and EAT! Dinner starts at 6pm, and dancing starts at 7pm. There will be a caller and live music, and all dancing levels are welcomed! Bring a dish featuring a local food with a card that has your name and a list of the ingredients in the dish. Bring all of your friends and your appetite!