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March 2010


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Thu, 18 Mar 2010 16:37:06 -0400
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Patricia Riley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Hi again everyone - One more thing - if you have a MENC-sytle badge 
holder - bring it when you come to help out/or attend stuff. Thanks - Dr. R

Patricia Riley wrote:
> Hi everyone - I too want to thank everyone who is helping with the CMS 
> Conference! I really appreciate it, and it really should be a good 
> event. I just want to remind you all to dress professionally if you 
> are helping, or going to any of the sessions or the concert. Also, 
> there will be an instruction sheet on the table - so be sure to refer 
> too it. Thanks again - enjoy the beautiful evening - Dr. R
> Susan Prescott wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Our meeting was quite lovely yesterday. I enjoyed being outside. I 
>> just wanted to remind you all to please look at your schedules and 
>> then sign up for the stage-managing. We have a senior recital this 
>> saturday that still only has one person on it. Also, please note that 
>> we are now going to stand outside the recital hall for concerts.
>> Wow, we really have a busy week.  Thank you to everyone who has 
>> volunteered to help with registration and everything for tomorrow and 
>> saturday. This sounds like a pretty cool event and I'm glad that we 
>> can help be a part of it. I hope you all remember what times you 
>> signed up for, but if not, the sheet is hanging on the menc board, so 
>> you can take another look.  Enjoy the sunny weather and remember 
>> sunscreen.
>> Love,
>> Susan

Patricia Riley
Assistant Professor, Music Education
The University of Vermont
A318 Music Building
384 S. Prospect St.
Burlington, VT 05405
(802) 656-7770