I checked out this spot at about 11:30 this morning, and I saw the American
Kestrel in addition to six Killdeer, four Red-tailed Hawks, one male
Northern Harrier (which was harassing a Red-tail), two Song Sparrows, two
Canada Geese, two Red-winged Blackbirds, and lots of American Crows.
Unfortunately I didn't see the Eastern Meadowlarks. On the way there, I saw
two Turkey Vultures above the intersection of Cheesefactory Rd. and Rt. 116,
and on the way back I saw a female harrier on Cheesefactory, plus a
Sharp-shinned Hawk (briefly) and two more Red-tails in the fields on Dorset
St. just south of the intersection with Cheesefactory. Great raptor day!
Good birding,
Kyle Rosenblad
On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 9:40 PM, Fernando B.Corrada <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
> Hi,
> Late this afternoon I looked for the Kestrels but had no luck. I did see
> two
> Eastern Meadowlarks and four Killdeers on the same field. For the past two
> years I have seen Meadowlarks in these fields between Dynapower, Secure
> Shred and Hinesburg Rd.
> Here is a link to a Meadowlark photo:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/febco1/4466199458/
> Have a nice weekend! Go Hockey-Cats!!!!
> Fernando B. Corrada
Kyle Rosenblad
Brown University 2010
69 Brown St., Box 2497
Providence, RI USA 02912
Please note my new email address: [log in to unmask]