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March 2010


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Roy Pilcher <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Mar 2010 19:10:12 EDT
text/plain (130 lines)
Location:     Jones Mill Pond, Brandon
Observation  date:     3/29/10
Number of species:      6

American Black Duck     2
Mallard      1
Hooded Merganser     4
Common Merganser   5
American Crow     5
Red-winged  Blackbird     2

Location:     Sycamore Park,  Bristol
Observation  date:     3/29/10
Notes:     Someone or some  organization has made and placed at least a 
dozen well made pine bird houses  that range in size from swallow/bluebird to 
owl/kestrel and to wood duck.   It will be interesting to see how they work 
Number of species:   13

Belted Kingfisher     2
Hairy  Woodpecker     1
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)   1
Eastern Phoebe     1
American Crow   4
Black-capped Chickadee     2
Tufted  Titmouse     2
White-breasted Nuthatch      2
Eastern Bluebird     1
American Robin      26
Song Sparrow     5
Northern Cardinal      4
American Goldfinch     6

Location:     Bristol Pond (Winona Lake),  Bristol
Observation date:     3/29/10
Notes:   The two Sandhill Cranes were in a grassy meadow about a mile south 
 of the Bristol Pond access road and east of Route 116.  They were next to  
an east/west tree line.  The meadow has a small sugar house in the far  
Number of species:     7

Canada Goose   4
Mallard     3
Sandhill Crane (Greater)   2
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)      1
Red-winged Blackbird     X
Eastern Meadowlark   1
Common Grackle     X

Location:     Shelburne Pond
Observation date:   3/29/10
Notes:     Open water approximately  50%.
Number of species:     13

Canada Goose   6
Green-winged Teal     3
Bufflehead   1
Double-crested Cormorant      1
Killdeer     1
Ring-billed Gull      5
American Crow     3
Common Raven      1
Black-capped Chickadee     1
American Robin   1
Song Sparrow     2
Northern Cardinal   1
Red-winged Blackbird     3

Location:     Shelburne Bay
Observation date:   3/29/10
Notes:     One Ring-billeld Gull had an  orange wing tag with the # 108.  
Leg band appeared to have a succession of  VV's above and below!
Number of species:     7

Canada  Goose     1
Mallard     1
Lesser Scaup   3
Bufflehead     11
Double-crested  Cormorant     1
Ring-billed Gull      15
Great Black-backed Gull     1

Location:     ShelburneTown Beach
Observation  date:     3/29/10
Notes:     Cedar Waxwings  were hawking recently hatched minute flying 
Number of species:   16

Canada Goose     7
Ring-necked  Duck     4
Bufflehead     4
Common  Goldeneye     76
Common Merganser      1
Common Loon     2
Ring-billed Gull      1
Mourning Dove     1
Northern Flicker  (Yellow-shafted)     1
Blue Jay      1
American Crow     4
Cedar Waxwing      24
Song Sparrow     3
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)   2
Northern Cardinal     1
Red-winged  Blackbird     10

Location:     Charlotte Town Beach
Observation  date:     3/29/10
Notes:     Horned Grebe, one  in basic plumage, one in alternate plumage.
Number of species:   8

Bufflehead     20
Common Goldeneye   56
Common Merganser     2
Horned Grebe   2
Double-crested Cormorant     1
Black-capped  Chickadee     1
Song Sparrow     1
Northern  Cardinal     1

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Roy Pilcher
The Gables at East Mountain, Rutland,  Vermont

Speaking the same language.