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March 2010


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Bryan Pfeiffer <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 09:18:15 -0500
text/plain (49 lines)
Matt's absolutely right. I've got a map to Stony Point Road access on 
The Daily Wing post for the gull:


> *Subject: Specific Location of Ivory Gull*
> From: Matthew Medler <mdm2 AT CORNELL.EDU>
> Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 05:08:56 -0800
> Hi All,
> I just wanted to follow up Bryan's e-mail with a bit of a clarification. To the
> best of my knowledge, the Ivory Gull has not been seen in the immediate
> vicinity of the Rouses Point bridge in some time (several days). Instead, the
> bird is being consistently seen about two miles south of the bridge, along the
> stone jetty that begins at the south end of Stony Point Road. To reach this
> spot, turn left (south) after crossing the bridge and drive through the village
> of Rouses Point. Continue south on NY Rt. 9B when Rt. 11 turns west. The first
> road on the left after this will be Stony Point Road. Follow this short dirt
> road to the end. The coordinates of the base of the jetty are: 44.971145�,
> -73.356158�.
> I saw the Ivory Gull here on both Friday and Saturday, and according to the
> only report to NNYBirds on Sunday, it was seen here on Sunday as well. That is
> not to say that it can't move around in the area. It just seems like at this
> time, this specific location is the best place to look for the gull.
> Good birding,
> Matt Medler
> Ithaca, NY

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