In a message dated 3/6/10, [log in to unmask] writes:
> Stop 3, [two] Bald Eagles in Rockingham.
per Ted Murin
> 15 at Chimney Point
> 11 at Oven Bay/Tri-town
> 4 at Basin Harbor
> 4 at Kellogg's Bay/mouth of Otter Creek
> Stops were made in quick succession to prevent double counting.
per Scott Morical
> 1 over South Burlington
Total = 37 [thirty-seven] BALD EAGLES
In Grand Isle, three V's of CANADA GEESE.
45 + 74 + 60-ish = 179-ish geese.
One of a pair of CAROLINA WRENS carrying nest material.
Dave Hoag, Grand Isle</HTML>