VTBIRD Archives

July 2010


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Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Jul 2010 18:13:53 -0400
text/plain (89 lines)

The bird was seen twice.  Both times it was seen due west of the board
walk terminus.  First sighting was very brief. It pop up from the
cattails, flew north about 30 yards and dropped back into the
cattails. I was the only observer there at that time.  About a half
hour or so I was joined by three other birders (names not known to
me).  While we were checking out the marsh, it took flight again from
the approximate place it returned to cover the first time but made a
bee line north over a much longer distance before ducking out of
sight.  We all got a good view of it.  Sorry to not have gotten back
to you sooner, but with the heat and humidity I've been lax keeping up
with my email.


On 7/5/10, Roy Pilcher <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Ken,
> Did you hear and/or see the Least Bittern?  Was it from the boardwalk  or
> the River Street bridge?
> Marv and Sue heard one further north by the power lines.
> Cheers,
> Roy Pilcher
> The Gables at East Mountain, Rutland,  Vermont
> Speaking the same language.
> In a message dated 7/5/2010 3:44:39 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> [log in to unmask] writes:
> Wanting  to beat the heat of the day and the mosquitos I arrived at the
> marsh at  5:30 a.m. birding the board walk, Water Street bridge and
> Marble Street  until 9:30 a.m.  40 sp.
> Wood Duck 1
> Mallard 6+
> Least Bittern  1
> Great Blue Heron 1
> Green Heron 1
> Virginia Rail 4+
> Sora 1  heard
> Rock Pigeon 2
> Mourning Dove 3+
> Black-billed Cuckoo 1
> Chimney  Swift +
> Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1
> Belted Kingfisher 2
> Northern  Flicker 2
> Willow Flycatcher 2
> Eastern Kingbird +
> Warbling Vireo  2
> Blue Jay +
> American Crow +
> Common Raven 1
> Tree Swallow  +
> Northern Rough-winged Swallow +
> Barn Swallow +
> Black-capped  Chickadee 2
> House Wren 1
> Marsh Wren +
> Eastern Bluebird 1
> Veery  3
> American Robin 1
> Gray Catbird 5
> Cedar Waxwing 2
> Yellow Warbler  2
> Common Yellowthroat +
> Scarlet Tanager 1
> Eastern Towhee 1
> Marsh  Sparrow +
> Song Sparrow 2
> Red-winged Blackbird +
> Common Grackle  +
> American Goldfinch +
> --
> Kenneth Cox
> South Reading,  VT
> http://northernwingsbirder.blogspot.com/

Kenneth Cox
South Reading, VT