Here is a picture of one of the 2 Dion skippers found during the West Rutland Count on July 3
Found at Marble St Ext. Meadow, West Rutland.
Lat/Longtidude: N 43 37.972
W 73.03.600
Did my own unofficial count in Bennington (visiting 5 spots) July 6
Clouded Sulfur 24
Orange Sulfur 2
Cabbage White 7
Canadian Tiger Swallow. 1
Tiger Swall. species 2 (Flying by)
Black Swallowtail 2
Red Admiral 4
Monarch 3
Great Spangled Frit. 1
Aphrodite Frit. 1
Other Frit. 4 (Flying by)
Baltimore Checkerspot 1
Common Wood Nymph 32 (Yellow patch)
Common Ringlet 3
European Skipper 8
Little Glassy-wing 2
Dun Skipper 4
Sliver Spotted Skipper 1
Delaware Skipper 6 (They were hill topping and perching, looking for love).
of note: No Blues, No Hairstreaks.
Terri Armata