November 2010


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Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Nov 2010 22:00:55 -0400
A Bonanno <[log in to unmask]>
A Bonanno <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes"; format="flowed"
To: jake guest <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)
The only reason that I suggest a live pto is for something like a  
sprayer...every time you put your foot on the clutch, the pto cuts  
off...other than that, it is not a big deal

Quoting jake guest <[log in to unmask]>:

> On 10/31/2010 8:17 PM, A Bonanno wrote:
>> I like the 245 high clearance.  the "only" thing I would change is  
>> that I want a live pto.  Never had a need for 4WD.  Possibly...add  
>> a belly mounted tool bar that would accept all Allis G  
>> cultivators/seeders/etc.  HP is sufficient
>> Rich
>> Quoting Pooh Sprague <[log in to unmask]>:
>>> Sorry, I dont  currently have one for sale. But the president of  
>>> Kubota Corporation in Japan was in our dooryard the otherday on  
>>> tour with the owners of Townline Equipment. Townline is one of the  
>>> largest dealers of Kubota  Equipment in the Northeast, so the  
>>> bigwigs occasionally show up there.   The fact that there was a  
>>> 274 Int and 2 Kubota 245HCs  parked here  was not lost on him.   
>>> Drew Marazzo of Townline  conveyed to Mr Kubota that  there is a  
>>> healthy interest in those old tractors and perhaps a marketing  
>>> opportunity; a result of my  insistant  whining about Kubota  
>>> dropping production of the 245HC 25 years ago.  Drew approached me  
>>> the other day to say that there might be a dialogue  with company  
>>> higher ups and as part of the dialogue would I spec out  a lower  
>>> horsepower "dream" vegetable tractor. Short of saying "Just bring  
>>> back the old 245",    I thought I would throw it out to you all   
>>> for some input as well. Besides, I am no engineer. The questions  
>>> to ponder are:
>>> Horsepower range
>>> Wheel spacing and rubber size
>>> Ground clearance
>>> Offset or not(like the Farmall 200)
>>> Hydraulic capacities, remotes,midmount belly bars
>>> If you all want to send your wishes/ideas to me I will collate  
>>> them  and take them to the Townline folks  and keep you posted as  
>>> to and if  if this goes anywhere. As you might expect, Kubota has   
>>> separate lines of   specialized ag equipment that is developed   
>>> for the eastern and deep pacific regions that  we are not even  
>>> aware of.  In any event,  it seems that we  can actually have  an  
>>> opportunity  try to take advantage of  having  some input here.  
>>> Please forward this to any farmer who has any interest in this. I  
>>> feel the more input and response we generate,the more seriously  
>>> they may take the request for a tractor made and designed for our  
>>> needs.
>>> All the Best
>>> Pooh
> Just bring back the 245HC!! Don't need 4WD, don't care about live  
> PTO,no bells and whistles, maybe narrower rear wheel, doesn't need  
> to look like a spaceship, need a way to drain oil from dropped rear  
> axles, but otherwise the perfect vege tractor. PS: I own three of  
> em, but they are showing a little age... Jake Guest