VTBIRD Archives

November 2011


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Bryan Pfeiffer <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 21 Nov 2011 20:45:35 -0500
text/plain (46 lines)
Thanks, Randy. This could be irrelevant once the bird-bander gets there, 
but another suggestion for anyone visiting would be to mount your 
point-and-shoot on a tripod, focus it on the hummer's favorite perch at 
the feeder, and let it run in video mode.

For what it's worth, anyone who wants to learn more about using 
point-and-shoot cameras -- for documenting rare birds or otherwise -- 
might consider my two-hour crash-course on Friday evening, December 2, 
in Montpelier: http://tinyurl.com/7mcahgc


> From: Randy Schmidt <randy AT THEVERMONTBIRDPLACE.COM>
> Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 16:38:28 -0500
> You Tube took a little longer than I thought - Couple of caveats to the video -
> Link to video:  http://youtu.be/FX6_WULl3KQ
> 1. This is a pretty down and dirty video.
> 2. Please excuse the shakiness - this bird was zooming around and a bit
> difficult to record, however even in scenes where the bird isn't present you
> can hear what I believe to be the sounds that it's wings make in addition to
> some chips. (Not a hummer expert here at all :) )
> 3. Feeder scenes present best look at the bird.
> This was recorded this morning - about 9a.m. - East Arlington, VT.
> Enjoy
> Randy Schmidt/John Williams
> The Vermont Bird Place&  Sky Watch
> Manchester Center, VT

Bryan Pfeiffer
Birding: http://www.VermontBirdTours.com
Blogging: http://www.DailyWing.net
