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November 2011


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Ruth Stewart <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Birds <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 29 Nov 2011 21:03:12 -0500
text/plain (31 lines)
Funny you should mention this.  One of my CBC participants reported seeing a Snowy Owl on Sunday, Nov 27 while deer hunting.HIs words: "It was in the area between Baker Peak and Lost Pond in
Mt Tabor (E of Danby off Long Trail).  It flew through the tree tops ahead of 
me, but I did get a good view of it."    I was waiting for more specific info before posting as I thought it really early.... and who could be in need of food in the 'south' at this point????

Ruth Stewart

E. Dorset, VT

 > Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 17:24:26 -0500
> From: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [VTBIRD] Snowy Owl Alert
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Greetings, VTBIRDers:
> Be on the lookout for Snowy Owls. They're showing up in northern states 
> across the continent. And the pattern of discovery from the Great Lakes 
> to New England is decidedly coastal. That means Lake Champlain is 
> certainly in play. Details and maps are on The Daily Wing: 
> http://www.dailywing.net/2011/11/29/snowy-owl-alert/
> Best,
> Bryan Pfeiffer
> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Bryan Pfeiffer
> Birding: http://www.VermontBirdTours.com
> Blogging: http://www.DailyWing.net
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~