October 2012


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UVM Flownet <[log in to unmask]>
Bill Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 Oct 2012 20:32:49 -0700
UVM Flownet <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (73 lines)
I also agree with Terry's ideas, and the vision he has.  I quote "we
have seen the enemy and it is us" but will have to look up whom I am
quoting.  Regardless, it seems to be time that we all "step up" but
take care where we step.  I have stepped in enough "cow pies" to learn
to be carefull.

On 10/8/12, Jay Swede <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Terry,
> I am very interested to see this email and strongly agree with you. I have
> been baffled and bothered by the the choice of RV"T". Its not consistent
> with the BLS description of a professional and not consistent with all
> other ARDMS credential decscriptions. I am a DMSO UPI instructor and I have
> presented your article "Sonography Words Are Golden" to all of my students
> for the past several years. I find this topic very important and would
> gladly participate in a petition or email to those mentioned. In what forum
> would you suggest communicating these concerns to K. Evans and D. Cyr that
> would have the best potential to be effective?
> Joseph Swenson
> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Terry DuBose
> <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
>> Several years (after the meeting in New Orleans) ago the SVT, now SVU
>> petitioned the ARDMS to change the vascular credential from RVT to RDVS
>> so
>> it would be in line with echocardiographer and get rid of the "T" word.
>> However, there were two vascular surgeons on the ARDMS Executive
>> Committee
>> that killed the petition.
>> Those guys are gone from the ARDMS and it seems time for the vascular
>> community to raise this issue again.   If you look at the pay for RDMS
>> and
>> RVT in the USA Dept. of Labor's OCCUPATION OUTLOOK HANDBOOK (OOH) you
>> will
>> see that DMS are listed with a median pay of $64,380 per year, while the
>> RVT
>> median pay of $49,410 per year.   I believe the primary cause of this
>> discrepancy is the designation of "vascular technologists."
>> http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/diagnostic-medical-sonographers.htm
>> http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/cardiovascular-technologists-and-technicia
>> ns.htm
>> If you agree, please raise this issue with the new ARDMS Executive
>> Committee
>> Chair, Kevin Evans, and the ARDMS CEO, Dale Cyr.
>> Good luck, Terry
>> [log in to unmask]
>> Terry J. DuBose, MS, RDMS
>> Associate Professor Emeritus
>> Diagnostic Medical Sonography
>> University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
>> [log in to unmask]
>> 512-826-8833
>> ***************
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