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November 2012


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Taylor Rapke <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Seeds Volunteer Program <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 26 Nov 2012 22:27:37 -0500
text/plain (29 lines)
Hi there SEEDlings!

We hope this e-mail is greeting you after a lovely, relaxing and 
turkey/tofurkey-filled break. We want to remind you that our LAST MEETING 
OF THE SEMESTER (sad) will be this coming Thursday, November 29th, at 7 
pm. We currently have the Handy Family room on the 4th floor of the Davis 
Center reserved for our meeting, but we want to float the idea of a potluck at 
our cute cozy apartment with y'all! We would still meet at 7 pm on Thursday, 
only we would love for everyone to bring some sort of food dish!!!! We only 
live a few minutes from campus (41 North Willard Street), so it shouldn't be 
too much of a trek!

If you would be able to make it to a potluck, PLEASE respond to this e-mail by 
Wednesday at the latest telling us if you can come. We would still run a 
meeting per usual, discussing important end-of-the-semester topics and giving 
you a final lesson plan for next week. BUT this will be ten times more fun with 
lots of yummy food and good chats! 

We understand that there is a lot going on during these last few weeks leading 
up to finals, but we would love to have as many people as possible attend this 
last meeting to reflect on the awesome work you've all done this semester, 
and talk about plans for next semester. If we don't hear back from enough of 
you and/or a meeting on campus seems easier, we can stick with that if it 
means more of you can attend. SO PLEASE let us know ASAP!

Happy first Semi-Sort-Of-Snow-Day,

Katie + Taylor