Hey birders!
This mid-morning Steph Bilodeau and I took a leisurely bird walk through the A-side loops at Lake Carmi. We found a steady wave of migrating warblers, the best of which came to be our first Cape May Warbler which had retained some of its chestnutty cheeks. Later around 11am, a small flock of warblers passed through our campsite and we were able to pick out a Bay-breasted Warbler from them. Full warbler list for the day is below!
Cape May Warbler- 1
Bay-breasted Warbler- 1
Blackburnian Warbler- 1
Black-throated Green Warbler- 8
Chestnut-sided Warbler- 2
Magnolia Warbler- 3
Yellow-rumped Warbler- 8
American Redstart- 6
Common Yellowthroat- 7
Justin LeClaire